Webinaari: ”Digitaalinen käteinen” by Dr. Michael Kumhof

Englannin keskuspankin (BoE) vanhempi neuvonantaja Dr. Michael Kumhof kertoo Positiva Pengarin webinaarissa (ke 31.05.2023, klo 20-21) digitaalisen käteisen (CBDC) tarjoamista mahdollisuuksista ja kumoaa siihen liitettyjä uhkakuvia:

”Kumhof et. al (2023) find that introducing a CBDC in the amount of 30% of GDP would have ”unambiguously positive effects, yielding long run output gains of just under 6% and long run welfare gains of just over 2%”.

A CBDC would increase productivity and financial stability, decrease the government debt, lower the real interest rates without causing inflation, and overall lead to a more thriving economy. These would be highly beneficial for everyone and are heavy arguments for implementing a CBDC as soon as possible. ”

Linkki ilmoittautumislomakkeelle.

Kuva: BoE

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